Monday, July 31, 2006

Recently one of our informers sent this in. Do we detect a rebel in the ranks?

I think you rush to judgement with Alan Sharp, calling him incompetent and an idea stealer.We can vouch for him having a fairly successful role in a couple of films- albeit in the fairly remote past, by your breakneck speed standards.

He was a favourite of Steven Speilberg for a long time; the movie Gremlins won several awards!

Alan has told us all about his unusually big ears in a lengthy apology. These were appropriated by the movie-master when he was about seven, when Alan himself uncovered his unusual talent for eavsdroping and idea stealing.

He still celebrates twice a year with his friends from the cast, also matured, today. What evil looking weebils! And look at the ears on the one on the right, who leaves them uncovered.
What in hell do you know?
Recently 'TomtheLoser' asked us:

tomtheloser said...

Why do all of these Casebook men have unhealthy obsessions with female Ripperologists? Is it mating season for moose?

And later, a-non-mouse commenters wanted to know whether or not Lars, aka 'Mr. Poster' the Scandinavian ripperologist was in fact a moose, to which fact his constantly turning his head away from the camera might pertain.

Today though we go deeper into the mystery, look at another ripperologist, and go..

Beyond the Moose.

Every mountaineer quietly dreads the cold, stark word. Yeti.

The penultimate research contradiction.

Should we believe?

What's the difference between reason and indifference? Ultimately? Between lost and abandoned? Innocence and experience? I want you to think on it carefully.

Trust your instinct.

Far beyond the realms of the moose, onward and upward, into the blizzard of white.
Our education is quickly left behind. Humanity merges with psychopathology and faith splits from instinct. Reason splits from reality.
Higher and higher we climb. The wind of insanity howls about our cold, detached ears. Our awareness exists in isolation and our feet are suddenly frozen to the spot.
He is present in the quiet cold.

Can it be true?

It is true.

How Dan Norder persuades a hapless passer-by to take a subscription on Ripper Notes.

In the past six months there have been sightings in the Madison Wisconsin area of a man with a black beard carrying an unsightly tomcat and a bundle of papers, who is telling strangers they are his customers, and proceeding to assault them.

This man should not be approached if he is carrying what appears to be a bundle of documents.

We thank Chief Gary Peterson for this helpful information and we know our readers will be pleased to cooperate with helpful comments which we will forward to the State Patrol. You too can access them direct via this link.

Larry, myself and 'T' are working hard on the analysis of how these 'ripper thugs' distort the casework and pervert the course of history, which you'll get in afew, stay tuned. Time to get a little serious. They've plenty to clutch their ears in embarrassment about for today.

In reality they've been as embarrassed as this for a long time, they just didn't know it 'til we came along.

In the meantime, have a groan at someone who thinks he's funny.

(And calls himself a ripperologist at all times).

Philip Hutchinson at the Brighton Ripperologist's Conference, 2005.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lavender Court.

Despite Philip Hutchinson and his friend Monty's recent assertions to the contrary we find that 'expert in the genre' Lavender Lady, the Casebook tranny, is a regular feature on the message-boards at Stephen Ryder's Casebook . Today aswell as in recent days she's been enquiring extensively into the Miller's Court layout and into particulars of the room where the fifth Jack the Ripper victim, Mary Kelly, was found dead.

The room provides researchers with alot of interest because MJK was the only victim Jack the Ripper chose to kill indoors. It can't be certain to the point of undeniability that it was actually Mary Kelly's body that was found dead. It creates a deep mystery.

A tremendous amount of time is taken up at Casebook on exploring location aspects and street / room dimensions.

We couldn't be too certain what Lavender Lady's interest could be, all the way from Massachussets, until we heard from Casebook's East London tour guide, Philip Hutchinson, this afternoon. It transpires that on the last occasion Lavender Lady visited 13, Miller's Court with Don Rumbelow and Stuart Evans ( it was still standing) she sat bang down on a broom handle and has never been the same. She's anxious to avoid a reocurrence of the incident. Philip asks "When is that your business?"

Cut and past these links onto your toolbar if you can't connect via this thread:
For the Miller's Court Layout discussion:
Feel free to participate in our twice monthly poll.

Today we consider Casebook members 'Mr Poster', the Norwegian poster who passes by the name of Lars...

Location:Northern Europe
Occupation: Chemist/Physicist

..and his Swedish counterpart, Glenn Lauritz Andersson.

Born: November 2, 1965

:40 Biography: Originally Swedish, university degree in art history and history: author of one book
:Somerset, England, UK
Oil painting, art history, crime history, architecture, wine, Sherlock Holmes, old horror movies
Occupation:Officially: advisor at Marks and Spencer; inoffically: writer and historian.

Both men are regular Stephen Ryder Casebook message board contributors and even manage to get to London on occasion. We've heard Glenn Andersson was sighted in London and Bath UK but fled local reporters. The rumour pertaining to his being the Gothenburg Doctor struck off for molesting clients is after all untrue apparently.

If you were either of these people or their friends what punishment would you feel
you deserved?

Since I'm a Scandinavian Ripperologist, I prefer to be
sat on
made to carry out a government survey on prostitution in middle class Iceland
forced to go back and fro to work with seven other dwarves (hi ho) for the next ten years
ass kicked
deported to London instantly
sent to Germany's Weninghausen Wigberti Monastery
made to grow my hair
obliged to open a pub
renamed Glen Lauritz Andersson

( copy paste onto your toolbar if the link provided doesn't connect you to Lars)

( Copy paste onto your toolbar if the link provided doesn't connect you to Glenn.)

We pause for the twice-weekly attempt to increase our stats. Those potentially offended, look away now.


Greetings From Virginia!

At 9.17 pm last night from Virginia in our beloved US of A., Mr. Stephen Ryder sent us the following message. He posted it anonymously to the first post we wrote on the blog which began .. 'This blog has been created anonymously...' and which features a picture of his face.

We think it's pretty clear that it is Mr. Stephen Ryder, from both the mannerisms and the way in which he usually defends his thug's behaviour. (We only hoist verbeage from Ryder and Wescott when it is clear it is themselves).

Here's the comment he sent us:

With respect, but I witnessed some of the incidences with ( quotes a name) , aka ( quotes a username) and the thread does not accurately reflect what happened, which was that (--) posted a some very inflammmatory and derogatory remarks about various people. After those people responded to her in kind, she edited her original posts to remove those comments. This resulted in a thread that, to someone visiting for the first time, looked like she made an innocent comment that was followed by serious of unprovoked attacks. (--) repeated this tactic on another board after the casebook put a time limit on editing entries to prevent future abuses of the edit feature.

I agree that she was given a hard time, and I often felt sorry for her. But at least part of her problems were of her own making.

9:17 PM

This is just the sort of comment/response we would describe as 'woefully inadequate.' Our stooges received exactly this sort of excuse from Mr. Stephen Ryder after they received the abuse outlined here. It seems to us that the 'ripper thugs' interpret confrontations to their pathetic theories as 'inflamatory remarks'. When these remarks, socalled are made on the Casebook message boards, Casebook regulars launch in with completely unacceptable behaviour.

There are fewer places a person could enjoy more than the rich mountains of Virginia. What a shame it contains the ripperologist it does.
We continue on the trail of the 'Lonesome Pine' aka Mr. Stephen Ryder.

Comments welcome.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

We're organising a regular competition for the most appropriate image to sum up the current edition of Dan Norder's 'Ripper Notes' magazine. 'Ripper Notes' is full of ripperologist seniors' views on their 'lone psychopath theory' in which they are joined by Dan Norder, Stephen Ryder and Tom Wescott. We were going to start the comp with the current available edition but a discussion happened on the e-mails. An image is already picked for this quarter.

The internally green rotten potato. Don't attempt to cook it. A disgusting annoyance to teenagers and young people everywhere. A sackful arrives on your doorstep with this month's edition of 'Ripper Notes.'

Here is the full page spread.

We are not convinced we understand why Amercian microbiologists and their colleagues spend time on such matters?

Dan Norder has requested that we hoist his recent request onto our features pages and we have agreed.


Could people who've been using old editions of Ripper Notes to line their canary cages 'plop!' please send them to our reycling unit for me to use for future editions. Address your parcel to Oklahoma PD and they will forward it to:

Tom Wescott's toilet
The shed
The village with 2 houses

Tom has organised a good recycling method using his toilet, its chain and his electric piano pedal and I sure hope Casebook ripperologists appreciate his efforts which are effective as any.

Dan Norder.

Stephen Ryder's Casebook's bullying and idea stealing procedures.

Remember your anonymity is always high, high as can be. We have expressley not installed a 'stat counter', which- as most people know- permits the website owner to record IP identities.

Your anonymity in leaving messages is 100%, no less.

Commenters (we've just highlighted one such comment) have brought to light Stephen Ryder's method of banning people in a certain way. He waits until Newbies have been bullied and abused by his thugs on his well known message boards and then he bans their Username. Moreover, he bans their IP address , so they can't then see what's going on at his Jack the Ripper Casebook web-site.

We've got numerous reports from people who state that when they were Casebook members, 'Newbies', they put forward ideas that conflicted with theories upheld by Dan Norder, Tom Wescott and Stephen Ryder. These Newbies, who approached the casebook in an attitude of innocence and trust, were then humiliated, bullied and attacked publicly , then banned when they made mild attempts to defend themselves.

People have found that the ideas they put forward on Stephen Ryder's 'Jack the Ripper Casebook' were then appropriated by the above thugs and effectively stolen from them. Perhaps most hurtful of all: an idea is ridiculed, then stolen and adapted to fit the thug's theories, and consequently printed in 'Ripper Notes'. Just as if the thugs had thought of it themselves.

People then find their cookies are disabled by Stephen Ryder, this socalled 'webmaster', ( ha ha ) and they can't so much as access the site to see if their ideas are being discussed by the thugs. Nor can they discuss ideas with people who might be good companionship- if only they'd dare stop lurking and participate!

We consider this procedure to be extremely serious bullying and abuse. Please tell us your experiences, and remember, your identity remains completely anonymous if you wish.

Dan Norder, 'Ripper Notes' magazine editor.

We know for a fact that this is a Stephen Ryder Casebook procedure, because the self same thing has happened to our stooges who pretended to be participating at Casebook as 'Newbies' while working for us.

You have every right to engage freely in research discussion aswell as have your original work respected.

Here's a link to Rapunzel again, the lady in the fairy-tale plait who 'moderates' ( ha ha) the comments on Stephen Ryder's message boards. Via this link the detail about Dan's relationship with Tom Wescott and Stephen Ryder.
The feelings you experience in wanting to smack Rapunzel as hard as that around the GOB are not Freudian. They are normal.

People to be wary of:

The following people have been brought to our attention by various members and informers, whose names remain undisclosed:

Natalie Mary Lue aka NML. Runs a freebie website called Baggage Reclaim and employs Alan Sharp as a regular writer and 'adviser on attracting women'. The advice given on her website can't be classed as stable. Alan Sharp frenetically rallies her against anyone who might expose him.

Natalie Lue has not been careful.

Rachel North. Runs a blog called 'Rachel From North London'. She's at present running an unpopular campain against the government in respect of the 7/7 bombings. Since this mini campaign against Stephen Ryder's thugs opened, which is hardly relevant to her, she's sent several malicious communications. She's been heavily contacted by the ripper thugs, and she hasn't been careful. She isn't careful with people atall, which is why despite alot of press and media help she's still got a fairly little blog. She's horrible, there's no fancy word for it. Steer clear.

Daniel Hart. Passes on the Internet as DeeJayHart. He's developed a stalker's obsession with one of our friends. He's of no relevance to this mini-campaign atall but he's sent this blog and others some of the nastiest, most unstable communications we've ever seen. He has a police record. An unstable and malicious stalker.

These are central people to avoid- these and their cronys. There don't seem to be many more to quote, thankfully- it's Ryder's Casebook thugs (judging by our stats!) who seem to have made enemies whereas thankfully we don't have too many. But why are we not surprised.

Jimmy (his blog here) member at Stephen Ryder's 'Jack the Ripper Casebook', has been feeling left out of the line up. This is why he was grumpy and cantankerous on our message boards the other day.

He's sent us an e-mail stating that 'ass' or 'arse' is his favourite part of his anatomy to swear by and that the expression 'my arse' that appears in his blog does not just belong to Stephen's girlfriend Ally.

And he's been to the National Archives and seen a letter in its casing. He asks why Ally Reinecke gets all the attention.

However he has asked to remain anonymous.

He might be this cow, but he could just as well be the zebra below.

We simply aren't going to say.
It's a shame he didn't use the expression 'my ass' as we could have protected him better.

We're not mean like we were on our message boards except to those who deserve it; look at the lovely creature below. Have you ever seen such a good natured looking creature. :-) Here's an apple- you lovely thing!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Indignant outbursts July 2006.

On Stephen Ryder's Jack the Ripper Casebook, members take pride in their suspect theory.
( Copy paste this link onto your toolbar if you can't connect direct. )

At Casebook, when your theory comes under fire, the prescribed etiquette is to burst with indignance.

Here are some July 2006 outbursts:

Mr Poster believes Jack the Ripper was well educated, white, human and drove a well-tendered Bentley. Ben believes wildlife might be resonsible.

Mr. Poster:

Are you terminally dim Ben? Most caught serial killers are working class. Most criminals are working class. So what? All this suggests is that serial killers lameass enough to get caught were working class. It might have slipped your notice, but JtR was never caught. So why would you apply statistics based on a different population to him?Thats like saying, based on a study of badgers whose sample was limited to roadkill, that based on this study, all badgers have flat heads with Michelin written across their backs.

Rob Halford believes a long toothed Jewish Giant committed the murders. Jenny thinks they were committed by a billy goat and will take no argument.

Rob Halford:

This is typical of what passes for "debate" these days. A subject is presented that is "forbidden" and the attacks on the sources and posters commence. How are you lot ever going to solve a mystery with such an attitude? Why is it that whenever the Jewish question is raised, the anti-Semite label is applied at the speed of light? I am not going to post any further on this subject, possibly not on your site. I am not a troll and reject your holier than thou attitude.

’Maybrick’ ( a poster) believes James Maybrick committed the Whitechapel murders. Supe believes that they were committed by a freemason incarcerated in a mental institution by Royal Arch degree members.


Is there any room left at the asylum? If this continues I fear many will be applying for entrance. Meanwhile, could you pass on a message to Aaron K.? His brother-in-law is feeling very guilty about what he did to him, but "Hey, when you're an epistemological psychopath you aren't responsible for your actions."

AP Wolf and Tom Wescott are investigating their new theory that Mary Kelly ( last accepted Ripper victim) was in fact thirty when she died, had v.d. all her life, could scarcely string two words together and can be brought to life by the Whitechapel Infirmary files where they insist she's registered. Everyone else thinks this amounts to outsize bloomers.

Tom Wescott:

I'm rather surprised to see this from you, Chris, an editor of an historical journal, who, if anyone, should be aware that ALL pursuit of history and things unknown or unclear must, by necessity, be motivated by curiosity and 'wishful thinking'. Most the time you just end up at a dead end, with a fistful of rocks, but occasionally you strike gold. This might very well be just another dead end, but only a serious consideration and pursuit can bear that out. ...Anyway, now I've got a headache from having to use all those big words, so thanks alot!

Yours truly,
Tom Wescott

And so it goes. There’s more to come. See if you can spot afew. ( Rather, see if you can spot a thread without it!)
This morning we received the following fax from the UK National Archives' Head of Collections Care, in charge of the Jack the Ripper letters, Mr. Mario Aleppo. He responds to our concerns, and outlines some of his press offices' own.

Thank you for your advice, which we received today. Be assured, all cargo is thoroughly checked before admission into the buildings. Anyone obtaining entry via the hallway has to register with two reception desks before admission to the Conservation Unit. Admissals to the Unit go through me, I sign them in.

It is theoretically possible that Mr Ryder might attempt to bring reputed psychopath Tom Wescott in inside a wooden box, but our staff always make a thorough examination of the contents of everyone’s packages before they go through to the main research centre, let alone the Conservation Unit. It ‘s unlikely, we think, that admissions staff would accept ‘Venezuelan bananas’ as explanation for Stephen Ryder’s wood crate, though I suppose it’s technically possible.

Can you tell us how you got wind of this information?

We haven’t had an incidence of anyone bursting out of a smuggled box for years. Not since Patricia Cornwell’s catastrophic wedding ceremony, when her ex lover, the Reverend P. S. Calhoun the third (who is, I believe, an American) exploded through wood and chains, drew a machete, broke into ‘congratulations and jubilations’ and burst into gunfire. He’d smuggled himself into a large wood box and got himself encased inside a truck which lost its way. Somehow he wound up at Kew Gardens. Had it not been for the dense fog at Heathrow airport the incidence may never have been.

Many USA visitors have since pointed out how Kew Garden’s taxi service has far less to offer.

R.E. female DNA found by Dr Findlay on the ‘Openshaw letter’. We consider it unlikely that it pertains to Jill the Ripper, so Tom Wescott might well consider the excursion a wasted trip. Numerous researchers and members of staff, many of them female, have handled the Ripper documents. Dr. Findlay was with us for just one day and reportedly spent a lot of time in the cubicles in the female toilets imploring my PA to do something or other with the files, though no one will corroborate this. It's not the sort of behaviour we permit at the National Archives and he is now barred. She did not get a raise, contrary to popular opinion.

Jimmy, as you call him, has been in the Unit only briefly and was allowed access to two JtR letters; the famous authentic ‘Dear Boss’ Jack the Ripper letter and the notorious September 17th fraud. There was no police presence on the day. I understand his grandmother was fined £80.00 for jumping the tube that morning; this was an isolated incidence, unconnected to us.

Could you not mention the ongoing investigation into the fraud documents smuggled into the National Archives last year?

Be assured of our high standards in all weathers.

Yours truly,

Mario Aleppo,
Head Of Collections Care,

The National Archives.

This is the entrance to the National Archives. You can see that the door is very wide, perfectly adequate for a large, human container, such as a wood cargo crate. The only people supervising the entrance inside are to the far left of the building.

Below, the Conservation department containing the 'Jack the Ripper' letters. This department is found to the far right of the building and has no sighting of the goings on inside the doorway shown above, and couldn't possibly be in a position to advise the receptionists on what or whom might be inside a large wooden crate entering the reception, so you can understand our concerns.

We've received an e-mail from blogspot asking us to monitor our use of the f-word. Our policy is that the f-word has its place and doesn't collapse the server, but there you go. Those using the f-word for postings and comments please adapt accordingly; f*ck.

'It's been brought to our attention that you are managing a unusual web-site in the name of exposing a number of people you call thugs.....we encourage communication...regulations.. the general public....'

The world is full of such people, we've observed, and it also contains a number of ripperologists.

(Adaptations made).
Dan Norder has announced that he is employing Alan Sharp as new co editor of 'Ripper Notes'; he had to stand high on a cardboard box and borrow Alan's trumpet, as no one was listening. Anyhow, he is.

Dan Norder identity link: Cut and paste ( ) to your toolbar if the above link doesn't connect you).

Alan Sharp, has admitted he has only sold 250 copies of his book since its release last July! All his excuses via this link.

Alan Sharp hasn't been signed up for his book on Comissioner Anderson. He's thinking of leaving Stephen Ryder's Casebook and coming over to us. He's repeatedly stating he's 'pro Robin Hood' and he's sent us a photograph of a Jacobite terrorist outfit he bought off ebay.

We've turned him down. It's not about tights. Anyone else thinking of sending us pictures of themselves in stockings please take note.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Are you yet ashamed? We ask Mr. Ryder, expecting the usual woefully inadequate response. He is probably smirking into his coffee- a much harder kick in the butt is needed.

The Thug profiles on the sidebar to the right have been updated and rendered more accurate and detailed.

On its way, readers:

A web-member's narrative of the Stephen Ryder Casebook members' trip to London UK to look at the Jack the Ripper letters; the time Tom Wescott's timber crate was airlifted into the docks. Includes an example of Stephen Ryder's wordy thankyou letter to MI5 for their assistance, outlining the casebook mission statement, which they shredded on receipt. ( They kept the match the ripper suspects game though)-

The dissertation on the way Ryder's 'Jack the Ripper Casebook' perverts the course of history, exploring the 'why', the false theories and Dan Norder's excuse for a beard.

Larry on Stephen Ryder's phoney success story, part 2.

All to come from the web team!

In the meantime Tom remains under wraps. You can show him your mouse ass , there's nothing he can do. Enjoy.

Wescott has written to us with the suggestion of reserving us a humour column in Ripper Notes.
We most emphatically decline.
The Tom Wescott Question.

Since our previous announcements, we have received numerous messages from Stephen Ryder Casebook member Mr. Tom Wescott.

Almost without exception these have been directed at a woman he apparently deems exceptional, with whom he is no doubt obsessed. This is in keeping with the clinical diagnosis and nothing to raise the alarm about. Psychopathic extremety gives the victim of the brain disorder to strange passions that are usually directed at exceptional and empathic women.

He proposes numerous deals. He is very keen to stay out of Oklahoma PD, for reasons self evident. And he asks us:

If he stays off giving people a hard time on the internet will we release him from the consequences of his actions on this one occasion? He adds that he will, in this circumstance, accept that we harpoon and insult him all day long without objection or victimising anyone who works and deals on the internet.

He agrees to stay in his body-suit.

We believe he might reasonably be granted this one final chance. We also believe that in his current frame of mind he is unlikely to 'go off on one'.

This is your last opportunity to treat your fellow ripperologists and internet associates like citizens. Any breach of this agreement, and we know what, as do you.

We did indeed make intial contact with the PD, and this agreement here can be revised at any time.

Comments welcome.
Alan Sharp has sent in the following apology, and we are pleased to produce it on his behalf.

( nb we should explain that the expression 'to be sent to Coventry' means 'to be ignored'.)

I would like to offer my deepest sympathy with young Jack the Ripper students offended by my greasy mop of hair and my outsize women's panties style sales techniques. Thanks to the web-team for offering me this space.

It all began, when I was a young boy. I asked my mother why she was ignoring me, and she told me I had been '
sent to Coventry'. We had a small working class house by the sea, and my father was unemployed and I couldn't understand why I 'd been sent to such an expensive location. Especially as I seemed to be in the diner, at home. Had anyone sent me anywhere atall? My father was in the lounge watching Captain Pugwash cartoons , and I walked through and asked him:- " Why am I in Coventry Dad?"

And it was then that he told me one of the profoundest secrets of my past. I had big ears. Noddy ears. They were enormous. I had picked up the family secret about my mothers bloomers. She had been wearing two pairs, one for her and another for my father's lover, ever since she found out about their affair. Unwittingly, quite without my own knowledge or consent, I had become a spy.

I was so ashamed. I knew my parents had let my hair grow down for a reason: these were the days when men wore their hair reasonably but flatteringly short and had few Freudian ideas about it ( unlike senior ripperologist Stuart Evans.) So this was why my hair was the huge mop I had difficulty seeing out underneath.

So what was I to do? I couldn't cut my mop off, yet I could hardly say I didn't have the ears I did. What about my mothers bloomers? The family name?

From that day on I have been all ears, covered by an enormous mop -like subterfuge. But I want you to know I have never wanted to tune into your secrets and steal your work. That TV like arial you sometimes see sticking out of my nose has nothing to do with anything; it stuck there after I stood behind my TV set at 1.00 am for three hours after Dan Norder sent me his round the group e-mail on how to face set backs. It only pickes up on your secret research from time to time.
Fear not, though. Whenever I accidentally steal your work I will always adapt it so it fits my 'theory' and doesn't look as if you thought of it yourself. This way I'll get the credit and you can forget you existed.

Thankyou for hearing my apology, and also for listening to my colon irrigation problems.

Alan Sharp.

We have received one or two messages from readers urging us not to stoop to the same level as Stephen Ryder's Casebook in taking the bastards on. All of which have praised our efforts and remarked 'God knows they deserve it' or words to that effect about this blog's response to the Stephen Ryder Casebook thugs.

Since this blog opened, there have been alot of comments and contributions from readers who are enjoying abit of laughter at the Ryder thugs' expense for the first time . So many people have had their professional and private lives ruined by these inadequate vicious thugs for months and years. Many of the messages we've received have not been anonymous, or they've made reference to victims, so they could not be published. However, others have been put on the blog.

We will allow it. It will not affect the sharpness of this blog.

There is a vast difference between the stupid comments made by Stephen Ryder's vicious thugs and the laughter we've heard during their victims' release.
It's not okay to kick a stranger, but it's fine to kick a tyrant.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

AP Wolf''s lifelong bum.

Author and Ryder Casebook member AP Wolf is defending his lifetime Jack the Ripper suspect 'Cutbush' on a thread at Stephen Ryder's Casebook Website message boards against the allegation of 'Pointless bum stabber.'

The thread begins:

I'm sorry to say this, but Cutbush can never be a serious contender as a suspect. A guy who rides around, stabbing girlie's bums, does not indicate a raving lunatic...he is a laughable character...IMHO I don't think there should be any serious discussion about him whatsoever..the only point of interest is his blood relationship to a Police Officer. Why do we still discuss him?

Tom Wescott:

Triston, Lord knows this case is full of suspects who fall far short...among the bench, Cutbush is..hardly the weakest. Are there any suspects you personally feel are not 'silly'?
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott.

AP Wolf also feel credit where credit is has cost him a fortune.

I think it slightly unfair and dishonest to come on this thread and ram jam criticism down the throats of researchers who have spent years looking into he background...especially when they have done that difficult taks with absolutely no trumpet blowing....

If the above link doesn't work, cut and paste onto your toolbar
This was sent us by one of our informers:

How Tom Wescott makes the most of the sheepskin rug in front of his fireplace.

Only Casebook's psychopath in residence, Dan Norder's valet, Tom Wescott, will brag about his sex life to win a debate.
A few days ago he saw his chance again. After a little squabble between Dan Norder and Scott Nelson, Wescott - devoted servant that he is - rushed to his master's aid, and engaged in a bit of sexual innuendo.

When his victim, Scott Nelson , replied "At least I don't make jokes on your's and Norder's sex lives", Wescott wrote the immortal words "No, you merely condemn us for the fact that we have sex lives."

..Wescott? .... your remark is a bit puzzling.

Well that is, until yesterday. An acquaintance of mine from Tulsa mailed me about an odd looking sheep. Fortunately, she took a photo.

Wescott... All these these bleating beauties who have a crush on you. . and the one on the left, she looks like a real catch. Stay cocky.

You have a complete harem at your disposal.

And for those readers who can't recognise a spirited joke at a psychopath's expense (which thankfully is very few of you), the inference is that we are not silent lambs , to Wescott's dismay.

* apologies for being unable to remove the black border.

We've been accused of making gratuitous gestures to increase our stats. (*tsk* More harassment..).
...and for those on whom reality never dares dawn which thankfully is very few of you this is a joke to increase our stats (highly effective.)
Where is Ryder? Let's take a moment to reconsider his 'mission statement'. ( Copy paste the link onto your toolbar if you can't connect directly using the above link.)

'Lives as precious and ephemeral as our own'.

Most importantly, however, we must remember that the whole of this fantastic mystery revolves around the deaths of five women whose lives were as precious and as ephemeral as our own: Mary Ann Nichols, devoted daughter and mother of five; Annie Chapman, who struggled through a chronic disease of the lungs and brain; Elizabeth Stride, a Swedish immigrant who once ran a successful coffee shop with her husband; Catherine Eddowes, mother of three, and Mary Kelly, barely twenty-six, already a widow. They were mothers, sisters and daughters, all — women whose lives, pitiful as they may have been, did not justify their destruction. Do not ignore their humanity, as the Ripper did, but embrace it. Only then can you truly appreciate the tragedy of the case. Only then can you understand why the search must continue.
Stephen P. Ryder,
Editor Casebook: Jack the Ripper.

Stephen Ryder is kidnapped by President Bush's elite security service, (consisting of President Bush?), and held captive for his beliefs.

Could we have a minute's silence please.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Thanks to myself, your friendly neighbourhood team technician.

To prove my heart to you guys I firstly:

1. Offer to be on standby for all your technical problems, and

2. Offer you this opportunity to vent your technical frustrations and Ally frustrations, all at once.

Here is a picture of Ally's ass in the distance.

Go to the far end of the room, as far as can be from your computer, and take a running sprint up to it, lift your leg and- kick ass flying!

Mentally, idiots; don't kick your computer off the desk in the process, though I understand your feelings entirely- but you'll just end up with a sore foot and a bust up computer screen and have to go and see that Mandy at the 'PC for US' computer store who'll argue and raise her eyebrows and mutter and shake her head until you launch your leg at her and what is the point in unecessary conflict?

Here, the Ally's ass phenomenon explained. For a look at The shameless Casebook backsides, this link.


We already have a big readership, so it's nomination time.

Nominations for the author of the most pointless insight to appear on Stephen Ryder's 'Jack the Ripper Casebook' this year.

Nominee skills will fittingly adapt to the 'Jack the Ripper Casebook' speciality; pointless insights. These insights usually appear at the beginning of a thread on 'Jack the Ripper Casebook' message boards. Take the following example, ( use the link or copy-paste into your toolbar) put forward by Jukka Ruskeeahde ( an excellent candidate for nominations in our opinion):

Hello you all!

I have read about the habits of the canonical five (thanks, Oraya!)

It is easy to notice, that Polly Nicholls was a tidy woman. Catherine Eddowes seems to have been obsessive for being tidy. Maybe even Mary Kelly, the least you can say is, that she was as tidy as possible too!

Of Annie Chapman and Elizabeth Stride, there wasn't that exact information. But somehow you get an impression, that they weren't classical "dirty old bitches" either!

So, what this could mean? That they were too tidy to JtR's stereotype of prostitutes?

All the best

Jukka, opening a thread, implies that from the scant evidence put forward at the 1888 Inquest hearings, the undisputed five Jack the Ripper victims appear to have been tidy in their habits, and this has some or other bearing on the case.
The regular members then launch into lengthy discussion, the thread goes on and on until some or other new 'insight' occurs further down the thread; Dan prints the conclusion at a later date in Ripper Notes and bags copyright etc. etc.

You get the picture. We believe AP Wolf is also very promising:
( Can be copy pasted into your toolbar if the link doesn't connect)

You’ll all be no doubt pleased to hear that I have found yet another Cutbush clock for sale, price unspecified, but probably around the £30,000 mark I would think.
I’ve sent in an offer of a fiver so I might get lucky.
However the chap involved does seem to have a little more background on the Maidstone Cutbush family, mentioning the ‘Bird in Hand’ etc.
But what I find interesting is his mention of the very early development of the ‘anchor’ escapement movement typical of Maidstone clocks; and then to see if one is able to track an evolutionary development in escapement movements to that of the gravity escapement movement which Lord Grimthorpe claimed to have invented.
Perhaps Thomas Cutbush finally wanted his inheritance: the escapement movement that powered Big Ben?
I’ll contact the chap.

Casebook member AP Wolf opens a thread and points out that Cutbush Junior, his proven non entity suspect might have had something to do with a clock that may have enabled him to be three steps ahead of the famous London clock, Big Ben, or thereabouts, and this might have some or other bearing on the case.

One of our callers yesterday auspiciously remarked:

Tom Wescott is a waste of space. His latest article featured in Ripper Notes pertains to Deimshutz's pony shitting on a grape stalk.

You're advised to go to the members list, (Copy paste into your toolbar if you can't use the link) browse and scroll down and pick a favourite nominee, access their profile page through the link showing their username and go to the link 'all theads started by (insert your nominee)'. There you'll get a bird's eye view of all the pointless insights your prospective nominee has put forward.

We offer as first prize to your successful nominee, and at great expense , a pristine pair of Stephen Ryder's Underpants. No other website can offer you these underpants clean, handwashed and ironed by Ally Reinecke. The webteam has been working all day on your behalf. We were unable to obtain written reassurance that they will come handwashed by Dan Norder, but we hope to obtain a certificate shortly. We may have to concede that the certificate will appear as a centre page spread in the next issue of Ripper Notes.

Since offering the above we held back the post afew hours on receiving a call from Ally Reinecke. We are now unable to obtain a certificate of authenticity in respect of Ryder's pants ( all lawyerspeak anyway if you ask me) but we have her assurance that Ryder will write ' I am a pointless bastard' on the pants
and wear them round the house for one whole day before she irons them personally.

Submit your nominations in the comments box below. Take your time, we'll keep this competition open a week.

Tom Wescott threatens us....

--------, et al,

Tom here. I enjoy your site immensely. It's amusing as hell. I have no problem with you having fun at my expense. I agree the Casebook is important enough to have its own lampoon. However, making threats against me is kind of a no-no. Pay attention to this next part because it's important. And I'll use clear English so you'll be sure to understand me - Stop immediately with your little threats or the first thing that will happen is that this blog will suddenly disappear. And then we'll go from there. No more threats, and you're free for now to continue with this blog and have your fun. More threats, and blog is gone. I don't have to give you the option, you understand. I'm doing it because I enjoy the effort you've put into creating this fictional version of me. If you too enjoy this universe you've created, and I'm sure you do, you'll agree that it's wise to concede to my one small request. No threats against, and no e-mails sent out about me. Just stick to the blog. Fair enough?

Yours truly,

Tom Wescott

We believe it's apparent that this is Tom Wescott. ( Copy paste the link onto your toolbar if you cant connect via this page.) He is conceivably concerned about our announcement that we'll be making contact with Oklahoma Police Department on Wednesday. This man is the vicious Ryder Casebook bully everyone's been talking about- him with Dan Norder and a small group of others.

We need to let him know in that case that contact is already made, via email, and that they have had a giggle at the blog.
Could he define what he sees as a threat and we'll know how to proceed.

This threatening email from Tom is interesting in terms of its content, and tends on first sight to confirm the views of our callers who suggested Stephen Ryder was being intimidated by this man and a handful of others into running his 'Jack the Ripper casebook' site their way.

On the other hand, since we have heard very little from Stephen Ryder, it's quite possible he is getting his thugs to do his handywork again.

He shows his ass
to international Police without a qualm.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Do the British National Archives give credit to these morons and loons? A caller asked recently. Apparently yes they do, but it looks as if their opinion is unresearched. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page on the link).

We telephoned the National Archives but Mario Aleppo, Head of Conservation, and the Press Office, refused to discuss the matter. The National Archives have recently allowed a Casebook thug in to view a Jack the Ripper letter . ( Copy paste the following into your toolbar if you can't connect via the link provided: This Casebook member, known as 'Jimmy', ( Copy paste the following into your toolbar if you can't connect via the link provided: seems keen to prove himself.

Jimmy later went back to the National Archives ( Copy paste the following link into your toolbar if you can't connect via the link provided: and was allowed to view the letter called the 'Dear Boss' September the 17th letter. Jimmy (if you follow this thread via this link) seems to keen to prove that this notorious fraud maintained in the National Archives is in fact a real letter.

Could this be anything to do with the recent police investigation into fraudulent documents found on National Archive premises?

Jimmy's profile picture.

Or are Mario Aleppo and chums merely going after publicity at research expense again.

We're interested in your views and reviews.

We intend to contact Oklahoma Police department on Wednesday, when we've finished reading through all your testimonials. Tom Wescott will get his!

In the meantime keep the stories and comments coming.

Looking at the Ryder Women..

It'd be unfair to suggest the Stephen Ryder Casebook is entirely polluted with high security criminals and nuts, ( though as we’ve demonstrated, by and large it's the case. Four women who regularly post on the Ryder Casebook seem to be the celebrated ‘voice of reason’. When we say voice of reason we don’t mean they’ve solved anything peripheral to the case or come up with a sensible suspect; we’re saying we’ve noticed they’re not candidates for tops security jails or clinical referrals.
We speak of Natalie, Jenni, (Jennifer Pegg), Suzi and Janie (Jane Coram.)

(If you can't get the nutter list via the link provided on this page, copy paste : onto your toolbar). If you can't connect to the Ryder women by the links provided above, read on, we've provided alternative links below. You might need to copy paste the links we provide, and put the in your toolbar.

We ask- why is this ‘female voice of reason’ always so tetchy, uncoordinated.. unsexy ? What is it about this exact type that draws Stephen Ryder to her wobbly, uncoordinated ass? We wonder. Could it be that Ally, his ‘my ass’ girlfriend, ( insists that the only women allowed to remain on the message boards are women she deems he won’t find attractive? We know her sarcastic response to everything is "my ass".
It’s a complex question, one that intrigues thousands daily, and will (we strongly expect) continue to do so. On the one hand, there’s
Ally Reinecke’s most unattractive ass.

She quotes it sarcastically whenever she disagrees with anyone. Then there’s these four women- scarcely bed hops. You’d be tempted to think Ally was shielding Stephen Ryder from attractive female visitors incase he noticed his girlfriend’s ass was ugly. Then again, it’s clear Ally’s enormous ass is a Ryder obsession. And she’s so not atall worried about it she quotes it all day, and waves it in everyone’s face.
This is the profoundest enigma yet to appear on Ryder's Casebook. Let’s attempt to solve it by taking a closer look at Jenny, Jane and Natalie. Click on their names to get their Ryder Casebook profiles.

Natalie first. (

One thing all four women have in common is they lack the female ability to challenge, and instinct to tantalise. In Natalie this is perhaps most evident.

This woman is one natty schoolmarm. She teaches adolescents for a sparse living, so this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. She posts messages on Casebook every day at 12.00 mid-day GMT when she gets ten minutes to goof her sandwiches and sneak a go at the staff-room computer. It’s a liberal house, her school, where they need all the staff they can get, so they tolerate her loopy ripper obsession. (One or two raise their eyebrows, according to our sources). She posts again between 4.00 pm GMT and 4.30 pm GMT, when the kids are leaving the place as fast as their feet can carry them.
She’s got far too much on to focus on simply running her home and job on her limited budget and she has no time to give to the ripper case and do it any kind of justice. This comes across in her scattered, dislocated and badly coordinated postings/messages, which resemble her ass. What also comes across is a snob-type, quick-tempered impatience and a flat out refusal to take anyone else’s opinion seriously. Typical late middle age schoolteacher. She can’t fit her life into her life (think: fitting flabby ass into her jeans, see-) and she hasn’t got time. What causes her difficulty is she’s interested in early Fenian culture and Commissioner Anderson which is an all-consuming subject perused by the terrorism universities. you can imagine the sort of blethersome blab that shoots out from under her fingertips onto the message boards at Ryder’s Casebook. Here’s an example (crikey, her spelling, you can’t get much for the state schools these days can ya)

The history of Irish Republicanism appears littered with defection,particularly
after coups.It seems to have happened to those "tracking them down" too,from time to time.Jenkinson seems to have been so outraged by his "ousting"by Anderson and Monro in 1888 that he did quite a few "deals" on the eve of the Parnell commission
with Michael Davitt a leader of Irish Republicanism-Davitt was no defector but had a brilliant "nose" for the exposure of an enemy of the "cause" such as Anderson and was able to use the special commission to do just that ie to expose Anderson for having arranged" anti Parnell " propaganda.It will be remembered that Anderson lost his cover for Piggott,Beach,and the double,double agent[!] Millen at the Special Commission-to name but three-
of October 1888.

-so,where does Tumblety possibly fit in?Well clearly not at the centre of any of this.His is not a name that crops up naturally as you read over the history books or anything like that.But he could have been tucked away there somewhere-on either side-willing to do a bit of gun running or money laundering[either as a cover or for the money - mercenary style-]--------its worth asking yourself the question "how good were they all at this business?

It never makes any sense. We’re not sure she really wants it to. What saddens us most though is she mails and insults us anonymously every day between 4.00 and 4.30 GMT. How disappointing.

Jennifer D Pegg (
One of the younger Jack the Ripper Casebook members, known on Stephen Ryder’s Casebook as 'Jenni'.

Her interest in the case began when she was at Warwick University, studying ‘law, sociology and psychology’ she states (n.b. all three, seriously, at once..? hmm. ) and hit her while she was trolling through the web on the University computers. She got sucked into the Stephen Ryder Casebook and began posting a lot of trivia. People on Ryder's Casebook, cracked though they are, dismissed her as a silly, uneducated troll, but this turned out to be her Internet manner. She’s not born yesterday, this one, whatever anyone wants to say about her dork wardrobe, and this became more evident when Dan Norder quickly lassoed her into writing for his duffer of a magazine, ‘Ripper Notes’- it fast became apparent that she was your typical 2:2 backwater University product.
She began printing diatribes on the web about Jack the Ripper letters: Robert James Lees, and the Maybrick diaries. (Spot the Ryder coincidence?) Natalie and Suzi from Casebook expressed their anger- Jenni had perhaps pretended to be a fool . However their righteous intellectual rage instantly died away when the schoolbell went, and Jenni began to express her enthusiasm for investigating the 'Maybrick diaries'. She recently almost had a big break when she pestered Tony Williams (author) and Humphrey Price (editor) of the book ‘Uncle Jack’ that claims Dr. Sir John Williams is the ripper. She made a series of stooge telephone calls to publishers and eventually trapped them into making certain admissals that indicated to her ears that there was a fraud afoot and that Dr. Sir John Williams was not... Jack the Ripper... after all. Investigation into this shock ( proved a dead end, and her big break petered out with a whimper. She seems unable to get over it. Every post she makes on casebook these days hints of her opinion that the reporters she contacted still spend all daydreaming about her discovery, and watching the message boards- we think this is unlikely.


This lady is one effortful strumpet. We won’t accuse her of an ass that won’t fit into her elaborate trousers, as she spends a lot of time on it, and it clearly does. It’s hard to criticise her, as she never writes anything serious; she spends all her time larking about ( Philip Hutchinson ( in a genuine attempt to prove herself the competent artist she simply isn’t. We haven’t seen her lay into anyone specifically- she merely pokes fun on the sidelines when she sees people being attacked.

Jane Coram (

This lady we’re reluctant to slam, as she’s slightly handicapped, a tryer, effortfully sweet natured, and a reasonably competent artist. She works at the British Museum; computer graphics.
We have a problem with her working for Ivor Edwards, a notorious thug with thirty years experience controlling crime networks. She’s also emphatically defended malicious toady and UK thug Philip Hutchinson; ( we recall her insisting she’d love to have him round for tea, six months ago, when he was in the process of laying into one of our informers. We just have that gut feeling she knows better than to be abject.

Lookie here: they’ve gone on an expedition with Philip Hutchinson and Robert Clack, to the East End. This (
link will connect you to photos and details on exactly where these 'renowned experts' have been, what they’re doing, pictures of East End houses… etc etc etc etc. Forgive us for introducing the Freudian into the context but we look at this typical expedition and we wonder what in the name of all that f*cks can anyone enjoy about it? Any suggestions?