Looking at the Ryder Women..
It'd be unfair to suggest the Stephen Ryder Casebook is
entirely polluted with high security criminals and nuts, (http://forum.casebook.org/memberlist.php) though as we’ve demonstrated, by and large it's the case. Four women who regularly post on the Ryder Casebook seem to be the celebrated ‘voice of reason’. When we say voice of reason we don’t mean they’ve solved anything peripheral to the case or come up with a sensible suspect; we’re saying we’ve noticed they’re not candidates for tops security jails or clinical referrals.
We speak of
Jenni, (Jennifer Pegg), Suzi and
Janie (Jane Coram.)(If you can't get the nutter list via the link provided on this page, copy paste : http://forum.casebook.org/memberlist.php onto your toolbar). If you can't connect to the Ryder women by the links provided above, read on, we've provided alternative links below. You might need to copy paste the links we provide, and put the in your toolbar.
We ask- why is this ‘female voice of reason’ always so tetchy, uncoordinated.. unsexy ? What is it about this exact type that draws Stephen Ryder to her wobbly, uncoordinated ass? We wonder. Could it be that Ally, his ‘my ass’ girlfriend, ( http://forum.casebook.org/member.php?u=2085) insists that the only women allowed to remain on the message boards are women she deems he won’t find attractive? We know her sarcastic response to everything is "my ass".
It’s a complex question, one that intrigues thousands daily, and will (we strongly expect) continue to do so. On the one hand, there’s Ally Reinecke’s most unattractive ass.
She quotes it sarcastically whenever she disagrees with anyone. Then there’s these four women- scarcely bed hops. You’d be tempted to think Ally was shielding Stephen Ryder from attractive female visitors incase he noticed his girlfriend’s ass was ugly. Then again, it’s clear Ally’s enormous ass is a Ryder obsession. And she’s so not atall worried about it she quotes it all day, and waves it in everyone’s face.
This is the profoundest enigma yet to appear on Ryder's Casebook. Let’s attempt to solve it by taking a closer look at Jenny, Jane and Natalie. Click on their names to get their Ryder Casebook profiles.
Natalie first. (http://forum.casebook.org/member.php?u=1968)
One thing all four women have in common is they lack the female ability to challenge, and instinct to tantalise. In Natalie this is perhaps most evident.
This woman is one natty schoolmarm. She teaches adolescents for a sparse living, so this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. She posts messages on Casebook every day at 12.00 mid-day GMT when she gets ten minutes to goof her sandwiches and sneak a go at the staff-room computer. It’s a liberal house, her school, where they need all the staff they can get, so they tolerate her loopy ripper obsession. (One or two raise their eyebrows, according to our sources). She posts again between 4.00 pm GMT and 4.30 pm GMT, when the kids are leaving the place as fast as their feet can carry them.
She’s got far too much on to focus on simply running her home and job on her limited budget and she has no time to give to the ripper case and do it any kind of justice. This comes across in her scattered, dislocated and badly coordinated postings/messages, which resemble her ass. What also comes across is a snob-type, quick-tempered impatience and a flat out refusal to take anyone else’s opinion seriously. Typical late middle age schoolteacher. She can’t fit her life into her life (think: fitting flabby ass into her jeans, see-) and she hasn’t got time. What causes her difficulty is she’s interested in early Fenian culture and Commissioner Anderson which is an all-consuming subject perused by the terrorism universities. you can imagine the sort of blethersome blab that shoots out from under her fingertips onto the message boards at Ryder’s Casebook. Here’s an example (crikey, her spelling, you can’t get much for the state schools these days can ya)
The history of Irish Republicanism appears littered with defection,particularly
after coups.It seems to have happened to those "tracking them down" too,from time to time.Jenkinson seems to have been so outraged by his "ousting"by Anderson and Monro in 1888 that he did quite a few "deals" on the eve of the Parnell commission
with Michael Davitt a leader of Irish Republicanism-Davitt was no defector but had a brilliant "nose" for the exposure of an enemy of the "cause" such as Anderson and was able to use the special commission to do just that ie to expose Anderson for having arranged" anti Parnell " propaganda.It will be remembered that Anderson lost his cover for Piggott,Beach,and the double,double agent[!] Millen at the Special Commission-to name but three-
of October 1888.
-so,where does Tumblety possibly fit in?Well clearly not at the centre of any of this.His is not a name that crops up naturally as you read over the history books or anything like that.But he could have been tucked away there somewhere-on either side-willing to do a bit of gun running or money laundering[either as a cover or for the money - mercenary style-]--------its worth asking yourself the question "how good were they all at this business?
It never makes any sense. We’re not sure she really wants it to. What saddens us most though is she mails and insults us anonymously every day between 4.00 and 4.30 GMT. How disappointing.
Jennifer D Pegg (http://forum.casebook.org/member.php?u=1835)
One of the younger Jack the Ripper Casebook members, known on Stephen Ryder’s Casebook as 'Jenni'.
Her interest in the case began when she was at Warwick University, studying ‘law, sociology and psychology’ she states (n.b. all three, seriously, at once..? hmm. ) and hit her while she was trolling through the web on the University computers. She got sucked into the Stephen Ryder Casebook and began posting a lot of trivia. People on Ryder's Casebook, cracked though they are, dismissed her as a silly, uneducated troll, but this turned out to be her Internet manner. She’s not born yesterday, this one, whatever anyone wants to say about her dork wardrobe, and this became more evident when Dan Norder quickly lassoed her into writing for his duffer of a magazine, ‘Ripper Notes’- it fast became apparent that she was your typical 2:2 backwater University product.
She began printing diatribes on the web about Jack the Ripper letters: Robert James Lees, and the Maybrick diaries. (Spot the Ryder coincidence?) Natalie and Suzi from Casebook expressed their anger- Jenni had perhaps pretended to be a fool . However their righteous intellectual rage instantly died away when the schoolbell went, and Jenni began to express her enthusiasm for investigating the 'Maybrick diaries'. She recently almost had a big break when she pestered Tony Williams (author) and Humphrey Price (editor) of the book ‘Uncle Jack’ that claims Dr. Sir John Williams is the ripper. She made a series of stooge telephone calls to publishers and eventually trapped them into making certain admissals that indicated to her ears that there was a fraud afoot and that Dr. Sir John Williams was not... Jack the Ripper... after all. Investigation into this shock (http://forum.casebook.org/showthread.php?t=268) proved a dead end, and her big break petered out with a whimper. She seems unable to get over it. Every post she makes on casebook these days hints of her opinion that the reporters she contacted still spend all daydreaming about her discovery, and watching the message boards- we think this is unlikely.
This lady is one effortful strumpet. We won’t accuse her of an ass that won’t fit into her elaborate trousers, as she spends a lot of time on it, and it clearly does. It’s hard to criticise her, as she never writes anything serious; she spends all her time larking about (http://forum.casebook.org/showthread.php?p=32067#post32067)with Philip Hutchinson (http://forum.casebook.org/member.php?u=1938) in a genuine attempt to prove herself the competent artist she simply isn’t. We haven’t seen her lay into anyone specifically- she merely pokes fun on the sidelines when she sees people being attacked.
Jane Coram (http://forum.casebook.org/member.php?u=1834)
This lady we’re reluctant to slam, as she’s slightly handicapped, a tryer,
effortfully sweet natured, and a reasonably competent artist. She works at the British Museum; computer graphics.
We have a problem with her working for
Ivor Edwards, a
notorious thug with thirty years experience controlling crime networks. She’s also emphatically defended malicious toady and UK thug
Philip Hutchinson; (
http://forum.casebook.org/member.php?u=1938) we recall her insisting she’d love to have him round for tea, six months ago, when he was in the process of laying into one of our informers. We just have that gut feeling she knows better than to be abject.
Lookie here: they’ve
gone on an expedition with Philip Hutchinson and Robert Clack, to the East End. This (http://forum.casebook.org/showthread.php?t=716&page=26)
link will connect you to photos and details on exactly where these 'renowned experts' have been, what they’re doing, pictures of East End houses… etc etc etc etc. Forgive us for introducing the Freudian into the context but we look at this typical expedition and we wonder what in the name of all that f*cks can anyone enjoy about it? Any suggestions?