Stephen Ryder's Ripper thugs in sabotage shock.Robert Hinton, member of Stephen Ryder's casebook website:
we're being told by four informants that he is a corrupt Magistrate.
We’ve been asked by numerous readers to take a specific look at
Bob Hinton, ( jokingly to those who’re sick of his Ripper thuggery as ‘Boob’ Hinton)
Robert Hinton, a British UK Magistrate- and the thugs with whom he associates in order to sabotage authors outside of
Stephen Ryder’s Ripper-thug website circle- obtainable via Ryder's message boards.
Every analysis ought to present an example of incidences described and because Karen Trenouth is a recent case, we’ll be looking at what has been done to her as one example merely. We do not intend extolling the virtues of Karen’s book; that’s up to her.
If she wants to shout about her book that’s fine, but it’s not the purpose of this website to promote any one author.
However, we are prepared to do some serious work helping victims defend themselves against these Ryder Casebook ‘Ripper-thugs’ where the need arises,
if the typical Ryder website sabotage has taken place.So remember Karen Trenouth is merely an example case.
Stephen Ryder’s Jack the Ripper Casebook administrators as well as their thugs and muggins have been actively sabotaging individuals in different contexts, notably:
Sabotage -at
AmazonSabotage- on
WikipediaSabotage -on
the webSabotage -with
the MagistrateSabotage -with
Magpie productionsSabotage- on
E-bayThese sabotage attempts are notoriously headed up by
Dan Norder Bob HintonStephen RyderTom Wescott And those who do their bidding, for example:
HanneyPhilip Hutchinson ( particularly)Thomas
SchachnerWith sometime contributions from other perverted corrupt ‘Ripper-thugs’ outlined on this website.
We are not biased towards Karen Trenouth. However, we do ask readers to first take a look at this ridiculous ‘book review’ written about her by Stephen Ryder’s Ripper thugs, because it demonstrates their nature.
Go and observe the comments box. Notice it is the Magistrate Bob Hinton who keeps on promoting this disgusting and ridiculous web-page.On the above web-site, ( though it hardly merits the name) the Jack the Ripper Casebook ‘Ripper thugs’ print up a review of Karen’s published book written by Bob Hinton, Magistrate, and sent to Amazon-alongside a picture of her that has been distorted and sobotaged in a criminally harassing way.
Reprehensible behaviour enough for someone who's supposed to be on the Bench. We've come to expect it from the regular Ripper-Goons, but the Magistrate?
The “book reviews” type sabotage found on the sabotage websites extends to Ripperthugs printing them on Amazon-they are apparently being overlooked by Amazon.
See the link here for the US Amazon. Here, alternatively for the UK Amazon. It’s clear Bob Hinton and other members of the Websites managed by Stephen Ryder, How Brown & Ivor Edwards are the authors of these 'sabotage reviews'. Notice Bob Hinton's name is everywhere, and that it's always accompanied by one or two other members of the Ryder website. Also, notice that they refer to Karen as ' Detective', which was her pseudonym on the 'Jack the Ripper websites'.
They are clearly attempting to destroy Karen’s readership and promote their own status and views.
They are acting for/with Stephen Ryder of course.
Every reader has a right to say a book is rubbish if it is, that is not a point of contention. We haven’t read Karen's book, and we have no comment to make. However, she is perfectly correct when she claims that what is happening to her is active sabotage carried out on Stephen Ryder’s instructions in association with Bob Hinton. ( The 'boobster'.)
As a matter of course, Stephen Ryder commissions his thugs to write negative and detremental reviews about anyone to disagrees with the principal theory put about on his sinister website, which is that Jack the Ripper was ‘some lone psychopath and that the case will never be solved’. Karen, whatever anyone might think about her book,
does fall into that category.
Stephen Ryder’s 'Ripper thugs' regularly demonstrate a particular, near maniacal uproarious aversion to anything that relates to the Conspiracy theory or any analysis of anything relating to the Cleveland Street Scandal. Not because they’ve explored it, except to attempt to instantly destroy its relevance and promote themselves, but because any discussion relating to it exposes their inadequacy and knowledge deficit.
Their inadequacy results from jealous authors’ long term attempts to promote themselves, such as
Stewart Evans', ( whose book was outshone in the 1970’s by Conspiracy theorist Stephen Knight's early errors and sometime accuracies.
( Stewart Evans is an acive participant in the Ripper -thug discussions on Stephen Ryder’s website. He quickly stopped posting as soon as this website opened. Sorry Stu that don't change anything). But there is also active supression on Stephen Ryder’s Jack the Ripper Casebook by members of the Magistrature and the Justice system in the form of Bob Hinton and his lower echelon colleagues at the BBC.
We expose the facts for people to have a look at.
As an experiment, SSR posted the following review on Karen's section at Amazon almost two weeks ago, in support of Karen’s complaint against the Ripper thugs, and to help the poor girl a little with getting at least one objective review about her book:
Good to see interest reawakened in Cleveland St 1888, 6 Aug 2006Reviewer: SSR "SSR" (UK) - See all my reviews
We have not read Ms Trenouth's book, but we would like to alert the reader of Mr Hinton's and Ms Hanney's reviews that Ms Trenouth hasbeen victim of author sabotage generated at the Stephen RyderCasebook website to which these commenters belong. She has also beenvictim of a proactive harassment campaign. Thus, we consider thatthe reader of their reviews should consider them nul.Stephen Ryder's casebook members are known as 'Jack the Ripper'thugs and are not respected in the academic world. Their opinionsare considered extraneous to sensible society.Should anyone desire an entertaining and amusing insight into whothese ridiculous thugs actually are, they are welcome to visit athttp://www.exposingryderandwescott.blogspot.comA book has the right to be judged on its own merits. Author sabotageis not acceptable. The rest of you, take note.***Normally, it should have gone straight through. Yet, well over a week later, it still has not appeared on the Amazon review section.
How is that?
The Ripper thug’s book reviews posted to Amazon all appear on Amazon straight away; there is nothing wrong with the system.
Karen Trenouth was alerted to this. She then on our instructions had friends write three experimental reviews, which, likewise, have not appeared. They are apparently being supressed by people pulling the strings at Amazon with links to
Dan Norder ( and his 'Inkling’s Press'.
Stephen Ryder's recent book is published by Inkling's Press via Dan Norder.Karen has now written to complain to Amazon and has received a positive and shocked response from Amazon in the first instance.
Sabotage On
WikipediaDan Norder, editor of
‘Ripper Notes’, owner of Inkling’s Press, very strong member of
Stephen Ryder’s Casebook, works for
Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, behind the scenes. He handles the entries relating to Jack the Ripper. Theories that oppse his lone psychopath theory are usually depreciated.
Dan Norder manages all 'Wikipedia' entries.
Recently he deleted references incorporating the old mag,
‘Ripperologist’ from Wikipedia.
This was obvious sabotage, and provoked a huge reaction from
Chris, Ripperologist’s editor. Ripperologist dates back to the good days and it's an old rag. There was a huge row about Dan's actions on Stephen Ryder’s website message boards . Ryder has (regrettably) now deleted the link to this row, so it appears to us, unless someone can can provide alternative evidence.
What interests us is that Chris’ 'Ripperologist’ magazine tends to promote interest in the unexplored and the Conspiracy theory aspect while attempting to avoid old mistakes. It's- shall we say- the more ‘conservative rag mag’.
Why sabotage it on Wikipedia? On Stephen Ryder’s website the two editors pass as colleagues.
And what was Bob Hinton doing in the centre of the discussion?
There is something just a little creepy, in our opinion, about the recent Wikipedia review that dan Norder submitted about
Patricia Cornwell, which ,instead of objectively rounding up the negative critic’s comments, launches into an insipid personal attack. Here’s the link, and we quote:
After studying the criminal brain for her 2005 book, Predator, Cornwell said she reversed her position in support of the death penalty and concluded that the mind is formed by nature and nuture acting upon each other, which does not mean that someone is chemically doomed to become a psychopathic murderer. In her interview with The Times, Cornwell used similar concepts to describe herself, saying that she was “wired differently”, in a direct reference to her struggle with bipolar disorder. “My wiring’s not perfect and there are ways that you can stabilise that. I have certain things that run in my own ancestry," she told The Times, adding, "It’s not unusual for great artistic people to have bipolar disorder, for example. The diagnosis goes back and forth but I’m pretty sure that I am. I take a mood stabili[z]er.” As a teenager she suffered from anorexia.
Why drag this up (if it's true atall) and take a poke. Why is there a personal attack here, Mr. Norder? You hardly needed one.
It is irrelevant and inappropriate.
Patricia doesn’t usually blame herself for her alleged weird behaviours, which have nothing whatsoever to do with her literature, and she doesn’t acknowledge anything of the sort? She tends to blame her stalkers, whom she fairly boldly names as Ripperologists from Stephen Ryder's website.
Sabotage on the web.We’ve seen recently how FJL and Karen (and they are only two small examples) have been being attacked in a perfectly ridiculous way by means of prank sabotage publications etc. They both had the strength to take strictly no notice, except to report the matter to us, stating these imbecile sabotage efforts now cause them 'utter boredom'.
Ripper thugs have been attempting to damage them in this way for quite a while, and it has little or no effect on their attitude.
Readers won’t know however that our stooge, ‘OnceThereWas’-who is yet unnamed,- was hacked yesterday and is unable to access our web-site directly. When he/she accesses their computer screen he/she is met with a blank screen and the notice:
@import url(; @import url(http://www.bloggIt is easily got round, and we have assisted them. All computer wizz information welcome, however.
The sabotage all seems fairly naïve, by our own standards. Something you’d expect from imbecile crooks, which is what we believe these thugs are. Without misuse of the Internet they’d be acheiving nothing real. We would say the same for the corrupt Magistrate, despite his purported interim press connections. It does not emanate from a serious authority. We are quite clear.
We’ll let you ponder these points. More in afew, (today). Particularly in respect of the Magistrate and his sabotage groups who are stalking authors with "private detectives".
As you know, your contributions are always welcome.