Thursday, September 14, 2006

Philip Hutchinson , Stephen Ryder Casebook member abuses and libels more people who complain, have a look here.

One of the most vicious libelling thugs, Philip Hutchinson, has instantly started up libelling other authors again, and his acts are exposed here.
Incase Ryder has disarmed the link, put:

into your toolbar.

Philip, in response to a web announcement that ran:

Hello All, The Whitechapel Society 1888 can confirm a full programme of speakers for 2006. We kick off our new season this Saturday, February 4th 2006 at 'The Princess Alice' pub, Commercial St, London E1 at 7.30pm. Our speaker is Stuart Sullivan and his presentation is, 'JACK THE RIPPER: A PSYCHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION.' Stuart told The Whitechapel Society, "My research was conducted without any preconceptions and as a result, I believe this suspect, Thomas Donoghue, is as viable as any who have been suggested as the murderer." Stuart has maintained an interest in the Whitechapel Murders for over 20 years and we look forward this talk with great anticipation.
We hope to see you there!
Best Wishes,
Frogg Moody.

Wrote the following:

George Hutchinson

Casebook Supporter
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Guildford, Surrey, England
Posts: 870

Ooh goody. My parents read that toilet paper. I'll get them to save it for me. I'll be interested to hear what is said about the Ripper sites; one has a vested interest, you know. Who did they consult, Adrian?

__________________ Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd! ( Philip's signature.)

(end of copied message)

They certainly do, don't they? In front of a very big crowd , every time. Their reputations result.